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Module: BIM-GIS Integration

Assignment: Noise Modelling

Assignment summary

The aim of this assignment is to demonstrate data some fundamental issues when
integrating BIM and GIS data, in this case in a noise modelling context.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this assignment, the learner is expected to be able to:

  • Extract data from repositories with BIM data and GIS data.
  • Transform (reformat, convert, clean and merge) GIS and BIM data according to
    specifications provided by noise modelling software.
  • Load merged BIM and GIS data into noise modelling software
  • Execute noise simulations and evaluate its results.

Learning materials

This assignment consists of data accompanied by a text document (assignment instructions).

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A3.1 Noise Modelling

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Designed and developed by Anders Östman, Novogit.

Available languages



V1.0. December 2024.

Expected workload

1 assignment, 32 classroom hours, 2 ECTS (ECVET).
