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Module: 3D GIS, City Models and Digital Twins

Lecture: Introduction to Digital Urban Twins

Lecture summary

The aim of this lecture is to define the concept of digital urban twins and give some examples of its usage. More specifically, the lecture describes different types of data that may be included in digital urban twins, like historical data, 3D data, real-time data, and crowdsourced data. Some key data processing activities, like engineering and design, optimization, simulation and predictions and monitoring are also described as well as instigation of actions by issuing operation control messages or alerts.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this lecture, the learner is expected to be able to:

  • Define the concept of digital twins.
  • Describe characteristic features of digital urban twins.

Learning materials

This lecture consists of a slide-based presentation accompanied by a text document (presentation notes) that includes additional information on the slides.

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L3.1 Introduction to Digital Urban Twins

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Designed and developed by Anders Östman, Novogit.

Available languages

English Spanish Italian


V1.1 January 2025.

Expected workload

16 slides with course learning content, 2 classroom hours, 0.2 ECTS (ECVET).
