Module: Introduction to BIM
Assignment: Analyzing an IFC file
Assignment summary
The aim of this assignment is to clarify the structure and content of an IFC file. The learner will open the textual version of an IFC file and element by element relate each property to the corresponding part of the IFC standard specification.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this assignment, the learner is expected to be able to:
- Examine the records in an IFC STEP file.
- Explain the properties specified by the IFC records.
Learning materials
This assignment consists of a text document (assignment instructions) with a solution.
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Participant feedback
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Designed and developed by Anders Östman, Novogit.
Available languages
English Spanish
V1.1 December 2024.
Expected workload
1 assignment, 8 classroom hours, 0.5 ECTS (ECVET).