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To set buildings (BIM) into surrounding environment (GIS) has a huge potential to provide holistic perspective and improve efficiency in all steps of community planning. It helps e.g. to select most suitable site, optimise logistics, count energy flows, assess risks, among many other applications. Altogether, BIM-GIS integration reduces both costs and environmental impacts of new constructions as well as of existing buildings. Since it is a relatively new approach, it is still limited by knowledge gaps and lack of skills.


BIRGIT aims to develop interdisciplinary training courses that will provide students with competences for successful BIM-GIS integration.
The project will:

  • focus on BIM-GIS data interoperability and real-world applications
  • update vocational programs (VET) to up-to-date knowledge
  • bridge the gap between skills supply and demand on the job market

Four work-packages will help the consortium to reach the goals.

Project timeline is February 2022 – January 2025.

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